Autumn and Winter are the best time for rodents to try to enter a warm and comfortable home. For you the homeowner, it’s never too early to start protecting your house from the invasion of mice.

Not only can mice chew through your walls and every one of the boxes in your pantry, but they can also destroy your home as a whole. In particular, they can eat away at cables and wires which lead to household fires. And boy do you know, that these rodents carry several diseases and bacteria. A build-up of the droppings from rodents can also aggravate allergy and asthmatic conditions.

What do rodents need in the home?

Rodents and humans all have the same basic needs and humans provide these essentials that the rodents need to survive, these include:

  • Water
  • Food
  • Shelter

Why are rodents –like mice dangerous?

Mice (and all rodents) cause different problems and should not be allowed to stay in the home. There are dangers for allowing rats a place to stay in your home, and these includes:

  • Damage to your property, documents, and files.
  • There may also be a spread of disease, some of which may be very fatal.
  • They may also cause contamination of food storage or food preparation areas.
  • There is also a risk that your wires may be chewed upon, and that may trigger a fire.

I just saw a mouse; does that mean there are more mice in my home?

We hear that question a lot and the short answer is –yes when you spot one mouse in your home, it is certain there are more mice in the home.

Mice are all looking for the same thing we humans are looking at all the time, be it in the winter or autumn, and those are; food, water and of course, shelter. Now, mice are so good with living with a human, so much that it is difficult to see one without others in the same home. And what’s more? They multiply quickly.

How do you keep the mice at bay?

1. Fill every hole, gaps, and cracks

A mouse can slide into a hole as small as a quarter. Look for any opening of this size or bigger in your home, and of course, seal them with the appropriate materials. These may include using a ball of steel wool, caulk, hardware cloth, cement or even plaster. Replace weather stripping on your doors and windows if there are any cracks or holes in them.
2. Do not feed the rodents
Mice are very resourceful. They can go around the property looking for things to eat, so in dealing with them, you must be diligent. Ensure that your garbage cans are covered at all times. Choose products from your trees and garden as they ripen. Collect and compost all the fruits and vegetables as they fall to the ground. Feed your pets during the day and do not leave any leftover food lying around the home. Do not store your pet food outside, and wherever they are stored, ensure they are placed in rodent-proof containers.
3. Set traps in the house
If you may have done all of the above and still observe traces of rodents in your home, all you need do is set traps in strategic locations. When these rodents pass over or attempt to go through the trap, they are caught. There are lots of traps that are safe to use around kids and pets, such as cage, tunnel and electronic traps.
You can also rid your home of rodents by removing anything that promotes their comfort in living in your home. Trim your shrubs, leaves, and trees as well.