Most people don’t think too seriously about whether or not their gutter system is working properly or not but it is very important. And the only way to make sure it continues to work is to maintain it regularly. Not everyone can perform your gutter maintenance correctly, but anyone can assist a specialist in creating and sticking to a professional maintenance plan. All you have to do is to be sure you follow a schedule of maintaining your gutters regularly before any problem occurs.

If your gutters are not working properly and doing what they are designed for, water will enter your home from any angle and the home will become moist, moldy, or musty.
In taking care of your gutters, there are rules –the dos and don’ts of gutter maintenance. In this article, we have listed the main Dos and don’ts of properly maintaining your gutter or doing your gutter maintenance:


Clean your gutters at least twice a year
This is one of the most important tasks you can carry out on your gutter system because the accumulation of leaves and debris can cause a buildup of water inside the gutters, which can cause serious water damage inside and outside your home.

Invest in downspouts
You surely need a downspout both on the upper roof and also at the foundation. The roof downspout guarantees that there is a proper flow of water and that your shingles are protected from damage.

The downspout close to your foundation will carry water from the home, this is important so the water does not seep into your basement. You may also install a downspout about 40 feet apart in order to ensure no overflow.

Use seamless gutters
Seamless gutters are currently in great demand because they are optimized and have a lower potential for leaks. As a result, seamless gutters do not only save money, they are also more durable.


Forget calling in a specialist for inspections
You may want to do your gutter maintenance and repair yourself but be sure to have the appropriate materials and/or equipment to do so. Don’t hesitate to call in a professional should the job become more than you were prepared for. A professional will carry out a close-up examination of your gutters using the required, state of the art tools to help you fix whatever is going wrong. A good professional will also help you with the solutions to keep minor concerns from becoming major problems in the future.

Neglect repair of small issues
More often than not, homeowners think the problems from their gutters are so small there is no need to take action or to call a professional yet. In these cases, the problems may escalate and rapidly become serious.

You should not neglect or put off small problems or concerns as they generally turn into big problems. Monitor issues as you see them and keep track of their progression.