As far as DIY projects for a new home owners goes, painting is one of the easiest. A new paint job can transform a room or piece of furniture overnight. Here’s a few tips to help you achieve the best painting results possible. Press the Tape against the Baseboard – Make sure when applying painters tape that you carefully press down on the edge of the tape to ensure that there is no paint leakage. Keep Your Brushes – You’ll most likely use your paint brushes a few times but after a while they’re

Press the Tape against the Baseboard – Make sure when applying painters tape that you carefully press down on the edge of the tape to ensure that there is no paint leakage.
Keep Your Brushes – You’ll most likely use your paint brushes a few times but after a while they’re going to wear out. Instead of tossing them in the trash you can reuse them as cleaning tools or applicators for adhesives.
Cover Entire Windows and Doors – Painters tape can only go so far sometimes, especially if you don’t have the steadiest of hands. If you’d like to keep your windows and doors paint free without the stress of perfection then it’s best for you to cover the entire surface with plastic using painters tape to secure it.
Paint Primer – If you start your painting project off with a high quality primer it will create a smooth and even surface for you to apply your new paint color onto.
Clean Up Mistakes – Everyone makes mistakes when painting. Just be sure to clean them up right away. Paint is much harder to remove once it’s had a chance to dry.