Spring is a lovely time of the year, but it comes with melting snow and heavy rain, which is why flooding can become a major concern for homeowners. Don’t worry, though, because if you apply these prevention tips, you’ll be much better prepared and you’ll keep your home nice and dry!

1. Know Your Area
There are some basic things you need to know about your area, and this is particularly important if you’ve recently moved into a new area. You need to know whether the water table is high in the area, if your property is located on a flood plain, and whether your neighborhood has been flooded in the past. This will help you have a better idea of the kind of preparations you need to have in place once Spring comes.
2. Backyard Drainage
The main causes for Spring floods are melting snow and heavy rainstorms, that’s why your backyard drainage needs to be well-kept and optimized for the season. The last thing you want is for water to build up in your backyard, so you must take the necessary steps. It’s difficult to plan for this when you’re landscaping in the Summer, but always keep in mind that backyard drainage is important.
3. Deal with Clogged Drainage
A huge part of drainage maintenance is keeping it unclogged so it can do its job efficiently, especially during Spring flood season. The only way to avoid your drains from getting clogged is by checking them regularly and making sure you deal with slow drainage issues as soon as possible. The longer you wait to deal with issues like these, the worse the issue will become.
4. Keep Your Downspouts and Gutters Clean
Spring rains can get heavy, so you need your downspouts and gutters nice and clean so they can channel the water effectively into the right places. In fact, downspouts and gutter maintenance should be a part of your regular maintenance routine. This will prevent broken gutters, which will contribute to the flooding.
5. Maintain Your Sump Pump
If you don’t keep up with your sump pump’s maintenance, it can cause flooding and water to back up. As a responsible homeowner, you need to make sure the intake valve is not blocked and that the sump pit is unclogged. This should be a part of your regular house maintenance routine. It’s also a good idea to have a backup generator for the sump pump since it runs on electricity. That way, if a Spring flood causes power outages, your home will still be protected.
It’s not at all difficult for homeowners to prevent damage from Spring floods. All you need to do is keep up with your home maintenance routine and make sure all the essential things are considered, such as your gutters, downspouts, drainage, and sump pump.
If you have neglected your house for a while and you have no idea about the state of your drainage, gutters, etc., make sure you call a professional to come assess your home and help you take the right preventive steps for this spring!
Call Classic Handyman @ 847-651-5847 for more tips and help preparing your home for potential floods!