Whether you’ve decided to eliminate debt from your life, or finally convert that school bus to be free to live that nomadic lifestyle on the road, you’re now ready to downsize your home. But before you start downsizing the family home, it’s important to understand...
Grow your business
17 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your House
Selling your house can be both exciting and stressful, especially if it’s your first time. Regardless of why you decided to sell your home, there are a number of pitfalls you can easily fall into, making your home selling experience less than ideal. Luckily, we’ve put...
Living in A Flood Zone
A flood zone is an area that’s more likely than others to become inundated in case of a flood. There are different levels of flood zones, but whether yours is low or high, you still need to prepare your home for the worst. The first step for that is knowing whether...
How to Prevent Moisture-Related Pest Problems
Many types of pests are attracted to moisture, not to mention it can also cause mold growth and lead to severe structural damage. Some of the most common pests attracted by moisture are ants, cockroaches, camel crickets, springtails and booklice, just to mention a...
Spring Exterior Home Inspections
Fall and Winter often come with extreme weather conditions such as ice, wind, storms, freezing rain, snow and intense cold. These conditions can leave our homes with various and sometimes unseen damage. And now that Spring is almost here, it is the time for homeowners...
Repurposing Old Doors
The majority of old doors have high-quality, vintage materials that ensure that they can last for a long time. However, for many reasons, you may need to remove or replace them with modern, energy-saving options. But this doesn’t mean you should throw away your old...
Putting Out A Grease Fire
Grease fires happen when cooking oil or grease gets too hot. These fires are incredibly dangerous because their fuel source is a liquid that can pop and spill onto you and surrounding surfaces extremely quickly and become out of control in as little as 30 seconds. The...
How to Make a Home Inventory and Why It’s Important
Having a home inventory can be a lifesaver if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to replace personal property after a loss. Should you ever need to make a homeowners or renters insurance claim, having a current and detailed inventory of your...
Paying for Emergency Home Repairs
Every homeowner knows that maintaining a home requires a lot of planned and unplanned expenses. Some of the major unplanned expenses you may need to deal with are emergency home repairs. Unfortunately, they sometimes come at the time when you are not financially...
Spring Flooding: 5 Prevention Tips for Homeowners
Spring is a lovely time of the year, but it comes with melting snow and heavy rain, which is why flooding can become a major concern for homeowners. Don’t worry, though, because if you apply these prevention tips, you’ll be much better prepared and you’ll keep your...
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant